

: Adding Tinylytics by @vincent

: Spending a rainy afternoon massaging build environments to strip out old analytics code from a bunch …

: It’s been a while since our bobcat has been around, but just saw her out the office window again …

: Fencing off Görli would be absolutely tragic. I ran there at all hours. My then infant son and I …

: Back in Santa Fe after a road trip to Ohio and back for the kid to visit school friends. Snow is …

: Ran to the top of Atalaya Mountain from the St. John’s College trailhead this morning. That’s been …

: Tourist: My neighborhood outdoor gear shop here in Santa Fe has a wonderful selection of …

: I paused my run in Flagstaff this morning for a long freight train standing at the corner with the …

: I’ve listened to the Lapgan record a lot over the last year, so I’m stoked that this collaboration …

: Getting ready to drive up to Pajarito for a big snow day and realizing that I’ve been wearing this …

: Worried about getting stuck with ‘tutorial syndrome’ and decided to go ahead and break out of this …

: Took a break from work to go on a 5 mile run up on Waldo Mesa. Checked out the Madrid cemetery. Wish …

: Test posts in ephemeral testing databases turning into revelatory journal entries this morning.

: Listening to KMRD-LP before the sun comes up in Madrid, reacquainting myself with Django, and …

: Portishead came up on coffee shop playlist, and now I’m going to be stuck listening to nothing but …

: Perpetual Doom just announced two new Bill Baird records later this spring, and I am stoked.

: Actually, the documentation shows non-ISO-8601 formatted dates, but it seems that it’s actually …

: Today I learned that the since date parameter on Todoist API calls is not ISO-8601 formatted so my …

: I missed this Thee Conductor record led by Jason Butler and featuring Bonnie Prince Billy, Jana …

: Picture me on my way back from a frustrating ankle injury starting my year with a pre-dawn 7 mile …

: It’s going to be in the 70s later today in Houston on New Year’s Eve. Some time in the last couple …

: Rainy Christmas morning with our star lantern we bought in Berlin years ago finally hanging over my …

: Didn’t have my suitcase for a week, but it finally arrived so I have a couple of days to lock in …

: Finally trying out Lingon X to run some periodic scripts from my basement server.

: Working on long-term personal projects on a rainy Christmas weekend in Belgium, and Gitlens is …

: My body appears to be much happier when I spend my days standing and circling, rather than sitting …

: Fun to see Graham while reading my feed in this random hotel breakfast room in Carlsbad, …

: Finally taking the day to build my AxiDraw MiniKit

: I bought my upgrade to Keyboard Maestro 11 this morning, and it occurred to me to check: I’ve been …

: Quiet snowy day with a sick kid at home. Longhorns came on mute on my iPad while I work on some long …

: Was just startled by a sound at my office window which turned out to be a buck knocking his antlers …

: Had a busy day with work and kid home from school for a snow day, but I did get out for a run this …

: We launched the current version of The Public Domain Review (the first version I worked on) four …

: No snow on the ground for my run this morning, but sunrise reflecting off snow in the mountains for …

: Just went back and forth with GPT-4 a couple of times to refine a pretty complex phone number …

: Second proper snowfall in as many weeks. Hoping this one will stick, and I’ll have my first snowy …

: Sunset viewing from the Cross of the Martyrs with mariachi horns coming up from the Plaza

: My local coffee shop Downtown Subscription is currently showing these beautiful relief wood carvings …

: Last night was the cassette release for the Music for Harry Smith by True Believers project at Lost …

: Santa Fe Half Marathon finisher medal is by far the most attractive I’ve ever gotten.

: Sitting on the deck on our third morning in the house in Santa Fe after a morning thunderstorm, …

: Running the calibre content server on my basement server in the States has been an absolute delight …

: An afternoon spent updating a bunch of Lambda functions that have been humming along without issue …

: Looking forward running at altitude with our upcoming year in Santa Fe. Put my registrations in …

: Morning work hours this week looking across the river to Echternach, Luxembourg

: Today is the last day of our fundraiser at Public Domain Review. Just hit our goal of 250 new …

: Encountered the ‘word’ “BoFu” for the first time this morning. Sometimes client projects open a …

: I’m already using another OH no Type Company font for this project, but am very, very tempted to …

: Finally making real progress with figuring out how to deploy a massive site on Netlify with Gatsby …

: Hundreds of e-books getting de-DRMed and organized in Calibre on first day of my quarantine. Who …

: Finally caught COVID. Time to see what I can make happen with a few quiet days of quarantine.

: Drove into Asheville today to meet Alse at Burial later in the afternoon. Doing some tourism …

: Listening to Core Intuition and excited to hear Manton seem to brighten up when webhooks come up as …

: Very stoked on the new Content Collections API, but I have some incredibly long and deeply nested …

: Enjoying recent ‘Stretching to Infinity’ from Seattle’s Reverse Death. Psychedelic folk and drones …

: My newest innovation in posting avoidance is adding content to my unpublished personal website …

: Events of the last few days have spurred me to finally write a little script to go through and …

: A few good short runs in a row these last couple weeks, but I think I should release myself from the …

: I pause for a moment while setting up annual Todoist billing in January for fear that future me will …

: Back in Ohio after several weeks away in Belgium and North Carolina. Kid back in school tomorrow. …

: Pulled out Jesse Grosjean’s Bike Outliner this morning to untangle a cascade of feature …

: Very intrigued by Ben Brown’s Shuttlecraft project, but have to resist the temptation to fiddle in …

: Lovely feeling to wake up to the first day of date-sensitive presentation code working as it should …

: Screensharing on my basement server in Ohio from Belgium to confirm that the power is still on …

: Went to the exhibit of Lucie Kamuswekera’s embroidery at the Ambsab social history museum in Gent …

: Sitting in the pithiness of Alan Jacobs’s notion of the past as “our always-available …

: The updates on Nova keep coming just as I’ve become sick enough of a bug that I’m ready to submit a …

: Covered in frozen mist in Belgium and doing some digital housekeeping for the first time in a long …

: Just noticed I posted over a year ago that I was working on redoing my personal site in Astro. I …

: Found ‘Feliz Navidad from Freddy Fender’ on vinyl at Twist and Shout in Denver a couple of years …

: Taking the opportunity of a new laptop to get into using Warp as my terminal and am impressed with a …

: Pretty stoked on the new index we added to Public Domain Review today.

: Visiting State College, PA this morning, getting ready for the Nittany Valley Half-Marathon, my …

: I want every single pair of these vintage Patagonia baggies with bootleg logo and pattern embroidery …

: Have really been enjoying getting into petite-vue for a little progressive enhancement on some …

: Stoked on this Kerry Awn illustration we commissioned for Local Memory, which I’ve finally gotten on …

: Heartened by Flickr’s response to the removal of the Internet Archive Book Images collection. Hope …

: Flickr has deleted over 5 million book scan images associated with the Internet Archive Book Images …

: The always great BBSP theorizes the U.G.H.Z. (Un-Grammable Hang Zone), an aesthetic fixation of mine …

: If I see a cassette cover with a Bodys Isek Kingelez installation come through my email, you have my …

: Daily meeting with the homies

: The frost on today’s morning walk was wild.

: Started experimenting with rebuilding my personal website (untouched through the COVID era) with …

: Made an advent-style countdown calendar to show off some notable work entering the public domain in …

: My Jadeite keycaps have arrived after about 18 months of waiting, finally completing my …

: Lovely review of The Public Domain Review in new issue of the Times Literary Supplement

: All Night Radio was absolutely one of my favorite SXSW live surprises (and records) of the early …

: “The Desert Is Paper Thin” by Corntuth is countrified ambient and probably my favorite thing I …

: Last morning run in the Kempen for the summer before heading back to Ohio for the school year.

: One step closer to my dream of a standalone Touch ID button to put next to my Keyboardio Model 01.

: Really excited by both the lovely presentation and the contents of Rob Weychert’s Plus Equals …

: Morning fog on the dunes in Hoge Rielen

: Sunday morning long run for 16 miles through the Flemish farmland followed by some Dutch-Tex-Mex …

: Worked out a new run to Gierle and back this morning

: Ran into some early-20s dudes walking back from town to their campsite while finishing up my sunrise …

: Excited about the new Notes feature in BBEdit 14. The three things I use BBEdit for are opening …

: Our 2020 installment on Local Memory, a public history project on music in Austin, is The Wild Side …

: Wild to see Khruangbin really breaking out. Good Houston.

: Thankful to take my son to see the protestors on High St. to give him something real in which to …

: Pretty into this little guy from a 15th century Italian herbal, a collection of images from which we …

: More than 17% of the Wikipedia entry on PrimeCo, once the largest wireless phone service in the …

: The Backlist archive is just small enough to make dead-stupid hand-formatted HTML (with some light …

: Finished first ragmask from some of our wax print stockpile, some quilt batting, and a variation on …

: Sun is shining. Listening to Long Shadow Duo. Making my first ragmask.

: Joshua Smith makes 1:20 scale miniatures of real buildings like this Discolandia storefront in San …

: Gave up on going back to sleep. Listening to Emily A. Sprague’s new Hill, Flower, Fog. Very calming.

: Laurel Canyon vibes from this new Mapache record are good for being stuck indoors.

: I’m into miniatures, fiber art, and cooking, so these videos are right up my alley. …

: Tomorrow, Friday March 20, Bandcamp is waving their cut on all sales to help support artists who are …

: Confronting mortality by finally cataloging and organizing all of the books I will never have time …

: Very happy that I don’t have to choose between voting and potentially bringing the infection into my …

: I have a lot of Astral Spirits stuff. A lot of diverse, compelling material and great art direction …

: Binned Art is an interesting concept: anonymous sales allow artists to recoup costs and clear space …

: I miss the in-store bakery flour tortillas from H-E-B so much. (My homemade ones are only a little …

: Revisiting Harmony Korine. Had forgotten the opening to Mister Lonely.

: Austin Kleon on using your books as time capsules. I try to do a similar thing by using postcards, …

: Michael found some Billboard magazine surveys that show UT-Austin as one of the most active …

: Sahel Sounds will be releasing an EP each month in 2020 for a “Music from Saharan WhatsApp” series. …

: Interesting recent episode of Afropop Worldwide on the power dynamics involved in vinyl reissues of …

: Some of the “outsider pedal steel” referenced here is new to me and I’m interested to check it out. …

: Looking forward to get the hardcopy of Issue #0 of new code::art journal. PDF version is freely …

: We brought this guy, Antonio, home yesterday to start the new year.

: I love this colorful installation of felt pieces by Masako Miki. I would love to learn how to felt …

: I’m catching up with reading I’ve socked away over the last month, and this from Laura Kalbag on …

: Back on Belgium time with most of the workday ahead of me before I expect to hear from U.S. …

: The redesign/reboot of the Public Domain Review that I’ve been working on is finally online.

: In the final week of a project I’ve been working on all summer and fall. Looking forward to being …

: 20 years of late-20th century contemporary music journal Contact archived by Goldsmiths, University …

: _The Public Domain Review_’s Selected Essays Volume VI is available for order today.

: Bless the nerd who put this list of Dutch-language Smurfs DVDs and their episode titles on …

: I have the Berlin/Kantstraße issue of Flaneur, but haven’t kept up with it. This new Taipei issue …

: Columbus Marathon starting area

: 🎵 Quality time with the PayPal Subscriptions API and the Friends of Dean Martinez cover of “Wichita …

: This episode of Upgrade with James Thomson is interesting throughout, but particularly enjoyed the …

: So stoked on Kipchoge’s sub-2-hour marathon yesterday in Vienna. Seems like it must be only a matter …

: When trying out a Chromebook a few years ago, I remember being impressed by the Markdown editor …

: I miss Phinery tapes. Always simple, beautiful packaging. Writing documentation and listening to …

: Pre-sunrise, post-rain frog song coming in through the window over the heavy drones from this …

: Every time I revisit Ernest Haeckel’s natural illustrations I get into a different set of his …

: Cool use of double-paned glass: lettering on front pane with brushed backdrop on back pane creates …

: I’m pretty happy with these updated presentations on our pieces connecting national touring bands to …

: I’ll jump on anything about Sail Away or Good Old Boys, and this episode of Malcolm Gladwell’s …

: Glitch in VS Code is exciting. The online editor is impressive, but I‘ll be even more likely to use …

: Sunrise run in Savoy

: Posted an interview with the late Alvin Fielder, a founding member of the Association for the …

: Juneteenth seems like a good time to link to these excerpts of Gene Ramey’s recollections of music …

: “The question we need to ask is not whether our data is safe, but why there is suddenly so much of …

: We’ve published several updates and a couple of new essays to the Athens on the Colorado exhibit on …

: The mid-year fundraiser for Public Domain Review ends Wednesday. Under 100 new supporters to reach …

: Rhein-Ruhr-Marathon starting line in Duisburg for my last European marathon for our year in Gent and …

: At an early dinner on the Innenhafen and amazed at how little Duisburg has changed in the six years …

: The inclusion of tick repellent spray in my participant pack for the Rhein-Ruhr-Marathon is not …

: Woke up to the news that Roky Erickson had died. So much of my lifelong interest in seeking out …

: 1960s/1970s single-artwork or single-series spaces (e.g., Rothko Chapel) is probably my favorite …

: This episode of the Time to Eat the Dogs podcast on space science and the Arab world presented some …

: One of my surprise favorite tour nights was one of the dates we did with them at a tiny basement …

: Listening to the High Dials‘ War of the Wakening Phantoms (with opening banger “Holy Ground”) for …

: I love this Paul Ford essay in WIRED on remaining enthusiastic about technology in its hegemonic …

: Finally broke through a long plateau with a 5 minute improvement on my personal best. The right …

: At the Moortgat Duvel brewery for the start of the Great Breweries Marathon.

: Austin Abroad on the Clarence Nemir Orchestra, perhaps the first pop music band from Austin to tour …

: Starting line at Antwerp marathon

: I’ll be running through the 2km-long Waaslandtunnel in the Antwerp marathon tomorrow. It goes …

: JSON data grooming is a little less grim from the Vooruit terrace on a springtime morning.

: Good improvisation

: Two good new-to-me Scarpulla murals in Dampoort. Really like the Resto collaboration on the …

: Good for Amy for bothering to say something about the Nike “Lost Cause” campaign and making …

: Stop what you’re doing, open the windows, and listen to Musik von Harmonia.

: Very good houseboat scene here.

: Settled into our city camping spot in Rotterdam for the marathon on Sunday.

: Will‘s “Crazy Love” album from last year has me missing being in Austin.

: In addition to being a GOAT track title candidate, “Jajouka Pipe Dream” is an exceptional spacey …

: I’m finally listening to the new Mdou Moctar and it has been well worth the wait. The vinyl is …

: I’m always trying to be too clever for a database.

: Doing a “CD-Rs I was given while packing the trailer in college town parking lots between 2004-2007” …

: Revisiting the Gorilla Vs. Bear Austin Mixtape from 2006. Good era.

: The last time I spent a really silly amount of time wondering why a CSS rule wasn‘t being applied …

: Need to get back in a Python frame of mind. Spent 10 minutes starting to write a slap-dash CSV …

: Ordered a set of three Rabit screw tapes off Boomkat the other day. Listening to CRY ALONE DIE ALONE …

: Listening to “Our Love Will Change the World” and dwelling one more time on Matthew Smith‘s founding …

: Natural Sciences Museum in Brussels

: “Again, a less confusing solution would have been to just allow an extra argument to be passed to …

: The views are better when the run happens after the sun’s up.

: Taking a break from work with a short walk in Patershol.

: Spring has sprung.

: This trilingual volume of Humboldt‘s specimen renderings and maps from Kronecker Wallis looks …

: Sun rising behind Sint-Jacobskerk over Vrijdagmarkt

: Working at De Krook on a snow day with Sint-Baafskathedral in the background.

: On Thanksgiving Day in 1972, Jerry Garcia and Phil Lesh joined Doug Sahm, Leon Russell, and members …

: Collaborative mural by Bué the Warrior, ROA, and others on Kraankindersstraat

: Messing around on Glitch with some generative color palettes and a riff on Tim Holman‘s Vera Molnar …

: Sunrise in the begijnhof

: Vrijdagmarkt in the snow

: This could be our only snow day of the winter, but it will be nice while it lasts.

: Reading about mummies, looking out at the Zuivelbrug, and listening to the Dinzu Artefacts episode …

: Writing an awful lot of stuff about mummies this morning given how little I really know about them…

: My friend Michael and I have been working on Local Memory: A History of Music in Austin for a couple …

: Yacht harbor sculpture on a lunchtime walk

: A day behind our projected soft launch date and still deep in that last 90% of tasks that shows up …

: Morning frost on the fields

: Christmas afternoon walk in the Kempen

: Listening to the John Denver Christmas album with The Muppets. The best.

: Firefox Color is a fun browser theming tool if you need a trivial reason to give Firefox a try. …

: This morning I’m officially a legal resident in Belgium.

: Pre-dawn Sunday morning documentation writing for a project that needed this months ago.

: The Mellotron is right up my alley in its inherent tension between mechanized reproducibility and …

: The Public Domain Review is doing their end-of-year fundraiser. It’s a great resource, and if you …

: I would love to try to recreate how Hiva Alizadeh layers these threads in ways that work both …

: 🎙️ Just listened to the first episode of the Artist in the Archive podcast with Jer Thorp, currently …

: These handkerchiefs from the new Dries Van Noten line featuring art from Robert Beatty…

: I love all the work the negative space does in these ink drawings of L.A. scenes by Christoph …

: Grim Grains is an online collection of vegan recipes by Rekka Bellum. I love the specificity and …

: Sarah is in Le Monde on the reopening of the Tervuren museum in the context of the debates of recent …

: I’ve been using SourceNote for a couple of days now and have found it helpful. It’s invisible until …

: I’ve been using MarsEdit as a drafts drawer for microblogging posts—a place to drop links to things …

: These orange banded quarter-cylinder tiles make for one of my favorite doorways on the morning …

: Love this peekaboo window over the water in the little café by our house.

: Rainy afternoon bike ride

: Aquarium Drunkard has launched a new format. It’s exciting to see a small online publisher growing …

: There are some great looking 5.25” floppy sleeves archived here, but I’m partial to this …

: Warren Ellis on what he would want from a status page has me thinking again about one of those …

: 🎵 Listening to Willie’s ’Local Memory’ a few times today trying to conjure a thing into being.

: Taking time away from client work to do some personal organizing at a cafe by the Zuivelbrug.

: Playing with some procedural distortions of landscape photos from the Farm Security Administration …

: The Metropolitan Museum of Art has made over 500 art and art history books available for free. I …

: Too much troubleshooting of my Mastodon instance; not enough working.

: Today’s Gent-area library workspace is at the café at De Krook

: A Leffe and a bucket of spaghetti after the race

: Kasterlee Marathon starting line

: Some New Cities is my new favorite Twitter bot, but it also makes me realize I increasingly wish I …

: Kasterlee Marathon this morning will be my second in three weeks. Will be mostly through the woods …

: I wish this interview with Mat Dryhurst deeper on the power crypto could artists to control their …

: Nice concept: Website for Emily Cockayne‘s upcoming history of re-use collects essays on material …

: Today’s Ghent-area library workspace is at De Krook.

: Tiny art as pastime…

: I had not considered the idea that Rockstar‘s corpus is largely historical, but Robert Whitaker’s …